Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I got shot by a bee!!!

Ok so a few weeks ago, I was outside with Brandon, Donovan, and Bentley. We were getting ready to head inside, so I stepped 2 feet into the yard to unhook Bentley's collar and all of a sudden I felt this UNBELIEVABLE pain shoot through my foot. When I say unbelievable, I mean it literally took my breath away. All I could do was jump up and down and yell and scream. Donovan ran inside and brings back a pile of ice wrapped in a towel. I immediately dumped it out, grabbed an ice cube and stuck it between my toe and my hands. I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't stop moving the pain was that bad. I figured out later, that I was shot by a bee. Of course, Brandon will tell you I'm exaggerating as usual and I only STEPPED on a bee, but that's not true. That bee purposely and maliciously sought me out, and shot me! And so help me if it wasn't for me already trampling it to death, I'd be prosecuting it for attempted murder. Ok, maybe I can see Brandon's point on the exaggeration. But only by a little!
Here's a picture of my gunshot wound.

I did the first thing I could think of and put neosporin on it and wrapped it in a bandaid. Yes, I know I should have put baking soda and water, but at the time I didn't have it, so I did the next best thing. Or so I thought at the time. The following day, my foot was KILLING me. I kept thinking, wow these bee stings are no joke! Well I don't know what made me realize, but all of a sudden it hit me...I HAVE A LATEX ALLERGY! Never once did it dawn on me that wrapping my toe in a bandaid might not be the best thing. So I rip it off but it was too late. The wheels of my fate were already in motion. Ok maybe Brandon does have a slight point when it comes to my exaggeration. Whatever. Anyways, not only did the bee sting itself cause my foot pain, but now the latex allergy had my toe itching and burning like crazy. Well then it started moving to my other toes, and then down the length of my foot. My toe started getting blisters and there was a dark red/purple line where the bandaid had been. That toe itched so bad, I literally scratched the nail polish off of my toe!

Then, if the itching and burning weren't enough, my entire foot started to swell. And when I say swell, I mean SWELL! My entire foot felt like a water balloon that's about to burst. My toes started shrinking, and I couldn't bend any of them. Take a look:

When I went to my boss and explained what was going on, I asked him if I could run to CVS at our upcoming break and get some medicine because I couldn't get through to my Dr. He said "Let me take a look" So I show him the difference in my feet and he says " can go NOW....thank you!" LOL! So I ran to the store, actually I limped due to not wanting to make my foot explode, (ok, Brandon definitely has a valid point about my exaggeration). I grabbed some cortizone cream and a package of benadryl. It took over 2 weeks, but my toe is finally looking normal again. It still itches occasionally, and sometimes it feels slightly swollen, but I guess it could be a lot worse!