Friday, July 5, 2013

The Cavitt's and the Karaoke husband and I are weird. There's just no way around it. We do some of the silliest stuff when we're alone. We have a bagillion inside jokes and people look at us like we're stupid when we bring one of them up. But we have a great time and that's all that matters. Here's an example of our goofiness.
It's like 10pm and we're laying in bed. I'm attempting to go to sleep since I have to work the next day, and Brandon is watching tv. Our tv lets us access youtube on it. So Brandon likes to look up music on it. Well I'm laying there trying to sleep and I hear "OOOOH!! KARAOKE!!! SWEET!" My adorable husband thought that youtube has karaoke, when in all actuality, it's just the music videos that have the lyrics on it. So he's scrolling through and he pulls up Whitney Houston's "I will always love you" and dares me to sing it without messing up. So of course being the amazing person I am (lol) I complete the task with no problems. So I decide it's his turn, and I choose Celine Dion's "My heart will go on". My favorite part was his rendition of "neeear, faaar, whereEEEEVVEEERRR you AaaAAaAaAarrreeee!!'' I thought I was going to die.
Then we decided to do some duets. Of course one of our favorite groups is Lady Antebellum, so we sang a bunch of their songs. Two of our favorites are "All we'd ever need" and "Need you now". We stayed up for the longest that night doing "youtube karaoke". We had a blast. 
Are we silly? Yes. Are we stupid? Yes. Are we crazy? Yes. Do we have fun? You bet. And that's all that matters.