Monday, April 15, 2013


So Saturday night was our latest "date night". We had VIP tickets to the Casting Crowns concert. Whoot Whoot! It was AMAZING! We were able to have a Q&A before the concert and got to know the cast. The opening act was a woman named Dara Maclean. She was AWESOME! She doesn't need to open for anybody, she could easily headline her own show. Then the CC group came out and blew everybody away. The biggest surprise was my husband. At first he just sat and listened, but by the middle end of the concert he was rocking back and forth, standing and moving around, throwing his hands up in the air, praising Jesus out loud, it was so moving. That's the only word to explain it,....moving. Here are some pics of us before the concert, the Q&A, and the actual concert itself.

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