Sunday, June 30, 2013

Brandon's Birthday!

So Saturday was my husband's birthday. The big 3-4!!! Geez, and to think I've been with him since he was 28! Normally I go all out for his birthday with presents and celebrations. Partially because Brandon isn't big on celebrating holidays and special occasions because of his less than happy childhood. So I try to make up for it and let him know that his day is special.
This year I opted not to buy him any gifts since money is tight. Plus, I'm going all out for our anniversary in a couple months so I figured I could make up for it. Instead, I decided to give him a "food" birthday. The night before, I prepped a french toast casserole and refrigerated it over night.

Saturday, I woke up at the crack of dawn. Ok it was 7am, but since it was my day off, it might as well have been the crack of dawn. I popped the casserole in the oven and started to make the rest of the food. It was my first time making the casserole and it turned out awesome. It was super easy too.
Next I made some sausage links. Since Brandon can't eat pork, I opted for turkey links instead. You can't tell the difference whatsoever. Super yummy. While that was cooking, I started cutting up fresh strawberries for the cake I was going to make him later that night. Since I had some left over, I used them for a side with breakfast. Here was the end result:
Then I went garage saling for a little bit while Brandon went across the street to the basketball court and played basketball with Donovan. The rest of the afternoon we just hung out and watched tv. Then around 5 we got dressed up and headed out to dinner for his bday:
We ended up at Texas Roadhouse in Huber Heights. The food was AMAZING! We shared an onion blossom (one of my FAV'S), and each got a salad. Brandon ordered his usual, a 3 piece catfish meal with a baked potato. I decided to try something different and ordered the country fried sirloin with gravy and a side of cheese fries. Man oh man, it was DELICIOUS! Probably one of my new favorite dinners. Then the fun came! Our server was Sarah, who is Brandon's friends girlfriend (hence why we drove out to Huber Heights). I told her it was Brandon's birthday and she brought out the whole roadhouse team and the saddle! She made Brandon sit on it in front of the whole restaurant while she yelled out that it was his birthday and everybody gave him a "YEE HAW!"
Then we headed home and I started on his bday cake. I decided to make a strawberry cool whip cake. I've never made it before but it sounded easy enough. I used white cake mix and split it into 2 9" cake pans. Once it cooled, I stacked them on top of each other and frosted it with cool whip. Then I topped it with the cut strawberries that I had soaking in sugar all day. Here's the end result:
Looks like he liked it! What do you think??
All in all, I think he had a great day. Just wait until he sees what I have planned for our anniversary!!!

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