Friday, June 28, 2013

The Redneck and the Super Glue

Ok, so it's no surprise that my family is comprised of rednecks. Well, my dad's side anyway. They are your typical truck driving, camo wearing, deer hunting, tobacco spitting, outdoor working, beer drinking, country music listening, rednecks. And I love them. In fact, I'm more like them than I sometimes realize. Daily, I get called out on my "country accent", as my husband refers to it. Apparently my most common phrase is "Do What??" which I say when I didn't hear what the person just said. To which my husband says "I didn't tell you to DO anything!" My boss and coworkers mock me and say "doooo whuuuuuut????" Others include "I reckon", "I reckon I oughta", "y'all", "all y'all", "alrighty", and "shore" (sure). Also, apparently I like to drop the "G" off of my words. Whatever, I'm my father's daughter and proud of it.
Here is just a sample of some of the redneck men in my family:

Now back to the point of the story. Although my dad is a redneck, he is one of the smartest people I know. That is no exaggeration. There is nothing this man can't fix or put together. And don't get me started on math. He makes me look like a kindergartner trying to do calculus. He can calculate anything and he can measure stuff with his eyes closed. He can use his hands to measure something and you go behind him with a tape measure and it is exactly the measurements that he said it was. It's unbelievable. Here's a picture of my awesome dad:

Now with that being said, sometimes he does some stubborn stupid things. I don't know if it's because he's a guy, or a redneck, but some of the stuff he does makes you scratch your head and go "did you SERIOUSLY just do that??" Case in point.....
My sister calls me last night and says that dad is in the ER because he cut his arm. Apparently he was at work hanging some blinds and they fell and cut his arm. Being the stubborn redneck that he is, instead of going to the hospital, he waits until he gets home that night and tries to SUPER GLUE IT!!!!! You heard me right, SUPER. GLUE. Super Glue. Oh did I mention that not only did he cut his arm, but he actually split open an artery?? What person do you know cuts open an artery and goes "ehh....I'll just use some super'll be alright" That's right...a redneck.
So apparently the super glue didn't work and mom makes him go to the ER. Well since he waited 12+ hours to get help, the nurse said it was too late for stitches so they put some gauze on it to wait for the doctor. Well my sister said that when the doctor came in and lifted the gauze, blood actually squirted out everywhere from him arm. She said it was like something out of a horror movie. YUCK. I guess in the end they ended up putting in a few stitches just to hold it together, but not enough that it could get infected. And afterwards, he removed his own stitches!!! YUCK!
Moral of the story....when you're hurt, go to the doctor. But if you feel that you MUST do it yourself, I guess super glue makes for the best story for your daughter's blog. =)

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